Moments Often Matter

It takes only a moment for a traumatic event to occur. We know that childcare providers are focused on the care and well-being of their little clients, but incidents – such as fingers being pinched between the door and frame – can still occur. Injuries from an event such as this can range from minor bruises to the loss of a finger.

Make every moment matter. Nationwide Loss Control Services can assist in providing solutions to help your organization manage risk along with reduce the likelihood of these types of incidents from occurring.

There have been some serious challenges for childcare operations the past few years1 - in addition to normal exposures such as slips and falls, food handling, supervision, security, playgrounds, and transportation, there are some persistent issues having a ripple effect across the industry.

These issues include pressure on revenue as a result of the pandemic,2 and difficulty finding qualified workers – 350,000 positions were lost at the beginning of the pandemic, and the industry is still struggling to regain workers. 3

Considering the current environment, there are steps we can take to help ensure that your business and your employees stay safe and protected. An incident could have a serious impact on you and a high risk to the reputation of your organization that provides a safe and well-supervised environment for children.

To help you maintain a safe environment for both employees and clients, resources from Nationwide’s Loss Control Services can assist in reducing risks specific to your organization. You can find resources in the Day Care and Child Care section of Check there frequently for information on risk management topics, including the importance of background checks, preventing finger injuries, abuse prevention, driver safety, special partnerships, training videos and more. You can also use the virtual consultation feature on the website for more information from Nationwide’s industry-specific experts.

Let Nationwide Loss Control Services help you maximize positive outcomes for everyday moments throughout the day.


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